I’m a freelance digital designer, developer and animator specializing in digital advertising. I primarily design and animate HTML5 display banners (Rich Media, Standard and Static), Social ads and Digital Out Of Home (DOOH) creatives.
Coming from a background in illustration (in which I have a degree from Falmouth University, England), I picked up Adobe Flash and moved into animation, developing an interest in interactivity and therefore learnt to code. Following university, I moved into the Flash banner industry, combining my design, animation and development skills, to see campaigns through from project start to finish. As the banner world moved away from Flash, I solidified my front-end development skills and now primarily design, develop and animate HTML5 online advertising banners (Display ads). In terms of my banner dev process - I like to code all my banners by hand and animate with Greensock's GSAP library. There's no Google Web Designer or Adobe Edge here. Writing code, rather than using software, is not only much quicker, but also allows for much more interesting animations within the Display ads, as you aren’t restricted by software limitations. In addition to this, hand-coded banners are much smaller in terms of file size, as they don't include all the unnecessary bloated code that software like GWD and Adobe Edge/Animate generate.
I've been working professionally since early 2010, both in London, England and Vancouver, Canada. I've been freelancing since 2012, which has been great as it's enabled me to work in a host of different agency environments as well as for many different clients in a variety of sectors. I’m currently based between the UK and North America, but happy to work remotely on your project, no matter where you are based. I work with agencies, and directly with clients, big and small, so whatever your requirements feel free to get in touch and I’d be happy to lend a hand with your project.